
ARC 2 – To Be Pampered by the School Boss Part 7

I could pretend as if nothing happened, but it seems Lucas can't. He immediately slammed on the breaks, sending the both of us forward due to inertia (as I learned earlier in my physics class), and if not for the safety feature of the seatbelt, I would have hit my head on the windshield and be injured again just as I have only healed.

And I'm glad nobody else is using the road at the moment. As I said, our university's far from home. As in, far from the city. That's why it takes a long time to reach it. You need to pass through a forest area, but of course the road is well-paved and wide, rivalling a proper highway. The school's for the rich, after all.

"What did you just do?" Lucas asked, but I couldn't quite grasp his emotion, if he's merely surprised or now angry. He had his head still looking at the road.

"Am I not allowed to kiss you, brother?" I looked at him while asking so.
