
The Artist VI

Two Days Later

11 PM, Jackson Detectives Agency

Sam pushed the agency's door open that evening, dressed in her usual get-up, pants, and a shirt under a coat and her favorite pair of 1460 cherry red doc martens boots. She scanned the place as she entered; the boys were nowhere in sight. Either already left for the day or doing surveillance, it was 11 in the evening after all.

"We're close!" Levi shouted from his office when he heard the front door ding, signaling someone entering the agency. 

Sam continued on her way, knocking on the slightly ajar door on her left. 

Levi and Marco both turned to look at her, and she raised her left hand, showing them the Chinese take out in her hand. 

"I could leave?" She threatened jokingly. Marco cheered in relief; he was starving. 

Then he approached the redhead swiftly, "You are an angel, Sam!" He said, earning a grin from her.
