
Chapter 173: Her 'Go To' Guy-3

Ian's eyes widened, he had never seen Mina in tight jeans, and the last time she wore something that fit so tightly, he had made every effort not to look. Today though, he was not sure he could pull his eyes away. He had seen Mina without any clothing and knew she was an extremely curvy woman, and in the clothes she was wearing, she looked straight out of a sports magazine. Her perky breast sat high on her chest, her hips were as eye catching as ever and her round butt seemed to invite his eyes. Ian's mouth hung slightly open and words were about to spill out when his sister beat him to it.

"Wow! Mina. Light colors really suit you," Luna said. "What have you been doing? You look amazing." Compliments continued to pour out of Luna's mouth and Ian could only nod his head in agreement. He was snapped out of his daze when Zane's voice shattered his concentration.

"I think I remember you saying that you wouldn't regret it," the man whispered, and Ian narrowed his eyes in his friend's direction.

"Just because I have resolved not to touch doesn't mean I can't look," Ian replied in a voice too low for anyone except Zane to hear.

Mina was still showing off to Luna and then she turned her attention to Zane.

"Well? What do you think?" She asked, playfully flexing the non-existent muscles of her arms. She was unaware that her actions caused the eyes of both men to travel to a specific area on her body.

Zane felt a hard kick from under the table, apparently Ian had noticed where they were both looking. Feeling wronged, Zane decided to get a little payback.

"Who are you all done up for?" he asked, and Mina blushed. Ian's face darkened at the realization that she had probably dressed up to see Dom. They usually met around the current hour.


Over breakfast, Mina and Luna were rambling off about a ton of things. From current events that Mina was behind on, to 'Why aren't you wearing earrings?' nothing was left undiscussed. Zane, who was usually the chatty person, started to feel left out of the conversation. He noticed Ian paying extra attention to Mina and Zane decided to jump in with another jab at his friend.

"So, Mina, how are things with Dom?"

"Good," she replied. "It doesn't hurt anymore but his stamina is too much for me. I come back exhausted every night. Even now my back is killing me," Mina confessed.

"Wow!" Zane said. He did not expect Mina to be so direct. He thought the shy girl would have folded into herself with a bright red face, but apparently that Mina was dead and gone.

"And it's not just Dom anymore," Mina added. "There's James and Jessica too. So, you can say I'm never idle." Mina was still stuffing her face when she noticed that the room had become a little too silent to be normal. She looked up to find herself being gawked at.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"Nothing," Zane said. "It's just that usually women don't openly speak about that kind of thing."

"Really?" Mina asked. "I'll make a note of that," she replied.

"You didn't know that?" Ian asked. His face was barely able to hide his jealousy, anger, and disgust.

"No, I didn't," Mina replied, without looking away from her plate. "Luna and I talk about it all the time," she finished.

"Oh shit," Zane said. Unable to keep his shock under control. Mina had just outed Luna. Ian glared at his sister who waved both hands in front of her body.

"I don't know what she is talking about," Luna said.

"What?" Mina questioned. "You even encouraged me. Don't you remember?" Luna gasped incredulously.

"Brother, I really didn't. I don't know what she is talking about," she said while standing up.

Confused, Mina stood up as well.

"Why are you so worked up about this?" Mina asked.

"Because it's not proper," Luna said. Clearly feeling a type of way.

"What's not proper? I don't understand," Mina said. Her mood had become agitated and it was clear she was breathing heavily.

"Everyone stop," Zane said loudly.

"Mina, did you or did you not ask Ian's nan to purchase something for you?"

"I did, but she gave it to President Lee instead. I never got it." Mina pointed to herself as she spoke.

"And what did you need them for?"

"I just needed them," Mina said, her cheeks turning the bright red that Zane was accustomed to seeing. Ian slammed his fist on the table, and everyone turned to look in his direction. He was standing as well.

"I gave them to Dom," he said through gritted teeth.

"What? Why?" Mina replied in horror. Zane held up both hands trying to make sense of what was going on.

"Mina, what exactly is your relationship with Dom?" he asked.

"He is my friend. We work out together."

"And there is nothing else?"

"Nothing else?" Mina returned the question.

"Mina, you came home wearing his clothes?" Ian said.

"Yes, because I did not like the ones I had, so he gave me something more comfortable to work out in. I do not understand. Why is everyone acting like this?" Mina looked aggrieved; she was being stared at in such an accusing manner. She hated being looked at, especially when the people staring were judging her. It was Luna who mustered the courage to ask up front.

"Mina, what exactly did you ask my nan to buy you?" At that point Mina was so frustrated that she did not care how rude or vulgar her answer would be seen.

"I needed sports bras. I don't have any and I didn't want to ask you because the clothes you already purchased for me are all too tight," Mina shouted. Zane, Ian, and Luna exchanged glances.

"So, you didn't ask her to buy condoms for you?" Mina gasped as if the question had just slapped her.

"NO!" the girl screamed. She did not understand how the conversation took such a turn, but the humiliation she felt was beginning to burn in her chest.
