
First joint operation

As Shun and Nejite got closer to the location, Shun started to descend. His gaze fell on Ryukyu who was talking to some officers and heroes.

Soon the two landed and went to the spot where they saw their agency people and asked them about the current situation.

Ryukyu who noticed them soon wrapped up her discussion and approached her agency heroes and told them about the current situation.

"We don't know the exact number but we can assume that there are around 15 villains in there. We don't know their aim, but they are demanding us to call the head of this hotel or else they will start killing the hostages," said Ryukyu.

"Any casualties till now?" asked Shun making Ryukyu glance at him.

"2 heroes died while they were trying to save the employees of this building while 1 hero who got captured as well was killed by them to make an example that they were not bluffing," said Ryukyu in a grim tone.

"...How many hostages and their description?" asked Shun as he started at the building.

'The building is a 4-star hotel so it could be assumed that the villains are after the money, but the fact that they specifically demanded the head rather than the money means that there is some other motive behind this.' thought Shun.

"3 heroes, 10 security personnel, there are visitors there as well but we don't know the exact number of them. But the villains did tell us that there were a dozen men, women, and kids with them, captured as hostages," said Ryukyu.

Shun turned silent as he frowned behind his helmet, the fact that the kids got involved as well as something that didn't sit well with him.

Deciding to take action Shun moved and looked at his surroundings. Spotting the object that he was looking for Shun walked toward it and took it.

Ryukyu and the others were confused by his actions but Shun just ignored them as he used customize create on the newspaper that he picked up and turned it into a large sheet of white paper.

He then used customize create on the hotel as the layout of the whole building appeared in front of him.

Soon he started going through each room on each floor of the hotel and soon spotted the people who were there.

Once he was done with a floor, he used customize create to print the information on the sheet of paper.

Seeing the info to appear out of nowhere Ryukyu's eyes widened as she started to go through it. Realizing what Shun was doing, she called the other heroes and the officers she was discussing earlier.

The said, heroes and officers soon came and surrounded Shun and looked at the sheet with surprise but soon appreciative words were heard around him.

But all that chatter annoyed Shun who just looked up and said, "Shut up I am focusing."

The people around him immediately turned silent and apologized for disturbing him. Some were annoyed by it but kept quiet knowing that Shun was doing an important job.

Once Shun was done sketching the building plans and the position of the people whom he presumed to be villains and hostages. Shun picked up the paper and said, "Here are the positions of all the people whom I could detect in the building. Get me an employee who can understand the ways of each floor clearly."

The policeman whom Shun guessed to be the one in charge nodded his head and asked his men to call for the employees.

But all of a sudden Shun's senses warned him as he turned around and caught the bullet that came heading towards him.

"...There's a sniper who is keeping an eye on us," said Shun as the others looked at him in surprise and awe.

But soon they snapped out of trance and got alert. If there was a sniper then they were not safe in the open.

"Oi Heroes!!"

Suddenly all of them heard a voice, probably the villain.

"10 minutes until the next hostage gets shot. And my men just told me that you are doing something sneaky. I am warning you, don't try to act smart or all of them will die."

"...Great, now what are we going to do?" asked the police in charge.

All of them turned silent as Ryukyu looked at Shun and asked, "Sh- No, Incredible can you locate the snipers just like you located the men in the building?"

Shun nodded and gestured to them to remain silent as he looked at one of the policemen and gestured him to move further away from them and then pointed at his tie.

"Already done. There are three of them, one on the hotel roof. One over there and the last one over there. Also, his tie pin is bugged." said Shun.

The others widened their eyes and were about to take action but Shun told them to not do anything suspicious.

"Wait here for me, I will deal with the snipers first. Don't act suspicious," said Shun.

"Wait! Let us help" said Ryukyu as Shum looked at her and said, "The person they should be most wary of is you. So just be a bait and let them monitor you."

Ryukyu who heard him nodded her head as lightning sparks appeared around Shun's hands.

He then vanished from his spot in the next instant and appeared behind the sniper located on top of the hotel roof and touched the man with his hand which was customized with [Paralysis touch: Medium]

He then repeated the same with the other two snipers and brought all three of them back and threw them inside the vehicle that the police brought to transport the criminals.

All this happened in under 30 sec seeing which the rest of the heroes blinked in surprise.

"There, no need to worry about the snipers now," said Shun as he closed the door of the vehicle and looked towards the other heroes who were looking at him with shock.

"What did you say your hero name was?" asked the police in charge.

"Incredible, now get ready. We have some hostages to save and villains to capture," said Shun as the other heroes nodded their heads.


After they were done discussing the strategy Shun and the other heroes prepared themselves for the attack.

"Ready Nejire? Bind?" asked Shun as he looked at the people who were behind him.

One of them was Nejire while the other one was a hero named Bind who had a quick that was able to make restraints out of energy.

The two of them gave a nod as Shun opened the door to the storage room of the hotel and got in.

Already knowing that there was no danger in there as he checked it with customize create beforehand, the three of them ran towards the next room since they didn't have much time to spare. The villains could execute the next hostage at any moment and that was the last thing that they wanted.

Shun had his customize create activated at all times and the three of them went through the hotel passages avoiding any villain that they possibly could. The few that they did encounter were easily taken care of by Shun and Bind while Nejire didn't react as she knew that her quirk was not as fast as Shun's or Bind's.

And thus without causing much disturbance the three of them soon reached near the room where the hostages were kept.

Shun looked toward the front of the room from the side as he saw two guards positioned in front of the door.

"Nejire charge up. Bind be prepared to restrain them." the two of them nodded as energy started spiraling around Nejire's hands and caused a sound alerting the two villains.

"Who's there?" asked one of the villains as Shun appeared behind them and punched both of them forward sending them in front of the other two heroes.

The moment the two of them appeared in front of the Nejire she fired her attack at them and plastered them to the wall seeing which Bind used his quirk and restrained them immediately.

Shun then paralyzed the two villains putting them out of commission and the three of them entered the hostage room.

Once they entered Shun looked around the room and found that most of them were looking at them with caution and horror.

"Don't worry, you all are safe for now. We are here to get all of you out to safety," said Shun as Nejire smiled and gave a nod.

Bind then stepped forward and asked, "I would like to ask you all to cooperate while we execute the mission and deal with the villains. Don't worry though we will keep you all safe and get you all out of here. Now then, Incredible."

Shun gave a nod and sent a message to Ruukyu through his communicator, "We have secured the hostages."

"Alright," replied Ryukyu as she cut off the link and then proceed to enter the hotel along with the rest of the heroes.

"Hero-san?!" called a man as Shun looked at him and found him clinging to Bind.

"Please save my kid as well. T-That man took him to be the next example." said the man in a pleading tone.

Hearing them Bind and Nejire widened their eyes in surprise as Shun immediately used his customize create to locate the kid.

As soon as he found the kid he frown as he noticed that the heroes were heading toward the location where the kid and villains were present and immediately contacted Ryukyu.

"Ryukyu, they have a hostage with them. Proceed with caution."


"They have taken a kid hostage with them. So proceed with caution," said Shun as he cut the call.

"Can you two handle the situation here?" asked Shun as he glanced at his fellow heroes.

"What are you planning?" asked Bind.

"Clear the surroundings and save the kid," replied Shun.

The two feel silent and thought about it for a while before they gave a nod.

Shun nodded back in response and immediately dashed out of the room and used customize create to locate all the villains who were on the floor.

Finding 3 villains near him kinetic energy gathered in his hands as Shun teleported near one of them and fired a burst of kinetic energy at the man who got plastered on the wall.

Not waiting for the man to react he gathered energy once again and fired it at the man knocking him out. Sparks started to come out of his hands as he used customize create on the sparks to make them paralyze the man whom he just knocked out.

He soon did the same with the other two and once he was done with all of them he left them and headed to the attack team and soon joined them.


Hearing her name being called out Ryukyu looked towards the one who called her and found Shun.

"Incredible, what's the matter? Didn't you say you will keep the hostages safe?" asked Ryukyu wanting to know if there was a change in the situation.

"Did that, dealt with all the villains on the floor we found the hostages. Nejire and Bind are looking after the hostages, though for safety purposes I locked that room," replied Shun.

"Then why are you here?" asked Ryukyu.

"To save the kid who is being held hostage," replied Shun as Ryukyi stared at him for a while before she smiled and gave a nod.

"Alright let's go," said Ryukyu as the other heroes nodded as well feeling glad that even the new heroes have the will to save the people.

Shun returned the nod as he gathered energy in his hands.

The attack squad which was led by Ryukyu soon reached the floor where the villains were present as Shun used customize create to gather info about the floor.

"4 villains and the kid hostage. The good news, only 4 of them are there. The bad news, the kid is held at gunpoint." said Shun.

The others turned serious not able to think of a way to save the kid as soon as possible.

"Leave the kid to me, I will save him. You all assault them the moment I give the signal," said Shun.

"Are you sure? They have weapons, not to mention they should possess powerful quirks since they killed some heroes too," warned Ryukyu.

Shun checked the villains with his appraisal but didn't think that their quirks were something that he should worry about.

"No problem, I can handle it," replied Shun in a confident tone.

Ryukyu thought about it for a while before she gave a nod. She didn't have a better solution and decided to trust Shun since she knew that Shun was not a person who bites more than he can chew.

Getting the confirmation from her Shun's armor started releasing a faint blue glow signifying that he was using his quirk.

"Get ready you all, you will get an opening window of a few seconds. Don't waste it," said Shun as the other heroes got ready as well.

"Also, close your eyes and only open them after I give the signal, and you all start rushing in."

The heroes look at him in confusion but decided to follow his warning as they saw Ryukyu giving a nod and following his instructions.

Shun made sure that all the heroes had their eyes closed and didn't waste a moment. He dashed up to the floor where the villains were present without making a noise making sure that the people don't notice him till the last moment.

Just as Shun appeared in the room where the villains were present he released a large amount of his energy and immediately converted it into light energy blinding all of the people who were in the room.

He then teleported the kid in his hands and covered his eyes with his hands and pressed the button on his communicator.

"Now," said Shun as the floor of the room they were in cracked open, and Ryukyu who was in her dragon form came in with the other heroes on her back.

The heroes immediately jumped down the dragon and intercepted the blinded villains neutralizing the threat in an instant.

Shun who noticed that the villains were subdued patted the kid's head and removed his hand from his eyes letting the kid see that the villains were defeated.

"You alright kid?" asked Shun as the kid looked at Shun and stared at him for a while before he started crying out loud making Shun panic. He didn't think that kid would start crying.

"Hey! Incredible made the kid cry!"

"Woah! You scared the kid Incredible."

"Bad Incredible! Don't scare the kids."

Seeing the panicked Incredible the other heroes didn't miss the chance and teased Shun who just looked at all of them with a helpless look on his face, though it was not visible because of the helmet.

Seeing that scene the heroes started laughing while Shun tried his best to calm the kid down.

'...Well, my first joint operation as a hero went fine I guess.' thought Shun.
