

"Talking about the clan, you should find a girl man, in the end, the Senju clan needs to be restored"(Jiraya).

"I know, but the matters of the hearth are complicated, sometimes I think how easy is to just destroy things or use force, but love is not something that simple"(Aizen).

"True, I am fortunate to have been able to find love from a young age. I consider myself lucky"(Jiraya).

"And lucky you are"(Aizen).

That moment we hear steps coming from the corridor, apparent we talked for sufficient time for Tsunade to finish her current surgery.

Tsunade now is very close to her cannon self, if I could point a different it would be the medic coat she is wearing above her kimono, and the other big difference is that her demeanor is better, more cheerful, apparently, she is recuperating fine from her depression, I just hope it doesn't come back any time soon.

Entering the room she doesn't seem surprised in seeing both of us, we are relatively a normal occurrence in her office.

"Hello, Aizen, Jiraya. what brings you presence to my office at this time"(Tsunade).

"Well, I've come to..."(Aizen).

With that I updated Tsunade about the general situation, she will probably have some meeting with the Hokage and the council later as she is the chief medic, they surely have at least weekly meetings, and during the dangerous time they have daily meetings, it sure must consume a lot of someone sanity to have to deal with so much politics.

With my situation actualized and telling the facts that I will be back to the active Anbu, we proceed to talk a bit more.

"Let me get some sake, we can't have long conversations without sake"(Tsunade).

With that Tsunade opens the sake stash that she has on her office and picks up three cups putting a cup of sake for me, Jiraiya, and her.

We talked more casual and funny things, and then we started swapping histories, principally the most fun ones, after that we started reminiscing the past until the mood became kinda dow, we decided to just stay on the funny stories.

Time passed quickly, principally when you are having fun or you are entertained, so when I looked at the window and seen the darkness outside I decided to go home. Saying goodbye to the duo that will probably be drinking and talking for some time.

Exiting the hospital, and walking home I couldn't help but think of my previous life, never before I had moments like these, of simply sitting in a restaurant or sharing a drink with a friend, if I can say that I had any friends. But since this new opportunity, my life became something happier and more fulfilling, but when Jiraiya mentioned love, I couldn't help but remember my previous existence.

I have literally zero experience on a relationship, on my previous life I was fat, ugly, dumb, and poor, some being unattractive was an understatement, and even if someone is flirting with me I wouldn't be able to tell, so I don't even know how should I go about dating.

A little bit more info on Aizen's past, hope you liked it.

~~Thanks for reading~~

ClearSkySagecreators' thoughts