
Web 7

Noticing his gaze, Mr Gu smiled wider, "Why don't we have a conversation at the side, Mr Zeng?"

Zeng Yimo scratched his temple before looking at Xiao Ling again and gave her an embarrassing smile, "I will be back in two minutes?"

Xiao Ling nodded her head and both the men went to a side as they continued their discussion.

She frowned as she continued observing them. She heard how Zeng Yimo was shocked when he heard that creepy guy's words.

There is something definitely wrong with that conversation. As she looked on, she saw how that creepy guy continued to smile while Zeng Yimo looked furious and was warning about something.

No matter how serious Zeng Yimo looked, the guy continued to smile and Xiao Ling felt her skin rise with goosebumps.

How can any person smile like that while on the receiving end of such furious warnings? She felt that the man was definitely mentally sick.
