
Gathering More Help

"Are we really going to do this?", Johan asked whilst moving to sit. 

"It was thanks to them forfeiting the match that we had enough money to save Auntie. If we had gotten second place we would've still been short." 

"So this is just paying off debts. . . huh?" 

Uyana felt the wooden katana in her palm. Gently touching the oddly dense material, "Sorry, I know you quit the game." 

"More like I was only playing to help Auntie." 

"Still don't want to come back?" 

Johan touched his scroll of contracts. He had traveled greatly over the continent in search of anything that could help his goal. Now that it was achieved he felt there was no purpose in continuing such grueling work. Reconfirming this feeling he answered, "I'm now only here because you asked." 

"Thank you." 

Stretching his back Johan switched topics a little roughly, "Still! Meeting Akiol huh? Wonder how much stronger that guy got." 

"That's why we're meeting him.", someone else spoke, the Priest named Yemm leaned over them, "Because if he's still the same strength we're backing out regardless." 

Uyana had a different opinion, "Which means we're helping regardless, since there's not a chance he's stagnated." 

"A lot of trust for this guy we fought.", Johan commented. 

"You haven't crossed blades with him." 

"Is this a talk about how a sword is the way to read someone's heart?" 

"That's ridiculous. I'm saying if he really wanted to he could've ended the fight at the start like we did initially." 

"If this is true, then what's the point of continuing? When there's such a large gap. Won't you feel insignificant?" 

"When facing against Jarvis, did you not feel some sort of inspiration to continue marching forward?" 

Johan paused for a second to truly consider this. Although his hard work obtaining contracted creatures failed in the end, he didn't feel like it was all wasted. Yet he also didn't feel any sort of competitiveness from the battle either. There was a huge chance that if Johan had relevant information before the battle, he would've played his cards differently. 

In the end he maintained his difference in opinion, "No." 

"Then you cannot understand.", Uyana responded simply. 

It wasn't in a condescending tone. The group have known each other long enough to know this. Instead, it was honest truth. Understanding this Johan did not debate it further and instead nodded. 

After the professional competition the group had split off a bit, all reflecting on their individual battles. Some have born fruit in this reflection, and have improved because of it. Others, like Johan, hadn't seen much in improvement. 

In terms of Stages, the group remained at Second Stage. Unlike the party who had found their paths, Bakery Basics obtained their Stages through the typical leveling method. There was, however, an alternate path they had found. 

They busied themselves by reading various descriptions in the player interface when a presence made itself known. Their attention was quickly drawn towards the direction it came from, and several people walked up. 

"I was first!" 

"No, you were probably last." 

"What?! If anything you were last! You didn't even run!" 

"Because I don't need to?" 

"Then you don't count!" 

"I never counted myself, I'm just saying you were definitely last." 

A silver haired player placed his hands on two heads, "Alright enough bickering. I'm here to chat." 

"Who was first though?!" 

"I was." 

". . . I'll beat you next time!" 

"Looking forward to it." 

Two of the figures disappeared and another morphed into a sword. Placing itself into the scabbard without help. Gan watched this in almost complete silence, opting to speak when the argument was over, "Okay, what was that?" 

"That one was clearly Akiol, but the others. . . I don't recall.", Yemm shook his head. 

Approaching casually Akiol raised a hand in greeting, "It's been a bit." 

"Akiol.", Uyana returned the greeting with a nod. 

"Uyana. I see you still have the katana." 

"I'll be hard pressed to lose it." 

"A fortunate encounter." 

Rapid handshakes and greetings were exchanged as Akiol sized up everyone. What conclusion he came to never showed in his expression, for it remained unwavering. Finally when these greetings were over Yemm was the first to get to the topic, "Third Stage. . . impressive." 

"I was given a scolding for not reaching this point sooner." 

"Make sure the majority of the players don't hear that.", Yemm shook his head in astonishment, "With power like this it makes me second guess why you're asking for our help." 

"I am just one person, against an army I'll need more than that." 

Noen, who hadn't really spoke much, suddenly interrupted with a question, "Will Kan'na be there?" 

Studying Noen's expression Akiol answered, "She will." 

"Then you have my help." 

Glances were tossed about across Bakery Basics. An understanding was quickly found and some smiles even appeared. Yemm moved a hand to forcefully stop his smile and returned to the conversation, "What exactly do you want from us?" 

"Glad you asked, I have a specific task in mind for you all. Jarvis had completed some scouting ahead and obtained a bit of information. Part of this information is a target I need you to take down. One of the Lich's most trusted underlings, Vertigo. An old samurai who can delay the cuts he makes. In the original fight in Goldlight I failed to defeat him." 

"Wait, you failed to beat him? How do we stand a chance?", Yemm was quick to point out. 

"You overestimate my ability. Uyana's strength during the Professional Competition would have drastically risen above mine during the fight I lost. Vertigo is Second Stage, but still poses a serious threat. Our strongest Third Stage combatants will be focusing on the other Third Stage undead. Thus we require talented people such as yourselves to defeat the other prominent forces." 

"So we're supposed to take this guy down as soon as possible?" 

"Correct. Although a samurai he is a competent commander. Once defeated the undead will be more disorganized which should allow our own forces to push against them. This is all theory however." 

"Once we complete this?" 

"Then any other generals will be your next target. Otherwise you can try profiting off the situation. The only thing I ask is that you focus Vertigo." 

"Wouldn't you be able to handle him easily?" 

Akiol could not deny this fact, "Yes, but I doubt the other undead would be so willing to let me cause havoc across the battlefield." 

Gan added his opinion, "So we're a distraction." 

"At a worse case scenario yes. I have faith that you will be able to succeed in this." 

Uyana nodded, "This much we can do. We will help, we owe you too much." 

"Do not consider what happened at the professional competition as a favor. You obtained that victory with your own hands." 

"We still will help." 

"Thank you. The date is soon, I will message you the final details. I'd like to catch up but I have some final preparations to make. So I will be taking my leave." 

"We can chat after." 

"Then let's." 

Akiol then vanished in an instant. Johan continued to stare at the place where Akiol was last and asked, "So. . . he definitely improved right?" 

"It's. . . a dramatic improvement. I wasn't able to tell just how high he's able to reach." 

"Too high for me to reach that's for sure. Shall we make our own preparations?" 

Bakery Basics nodded and began to move towards a nearby Kingdom. 

The assault on the undead approaches closer!
