
Chapter five : star gazing

" Are you okay?" Felix asked me. " Yes", I managed to choke out. After a few minutes I stopped coughing up water. Mostly because Felix made me laugh and also patted my back for a few minutes. Then we walked back to his house soaking wet. I went upstairs to change out of my wet clothes and shoes. I changed into a bathing suit with matching flip flops and then ran back to the pond. A few minutes later my phone started to ring. I swam back to shore and answered it. "Hello?", I said. " Where are you?", asked Felix. " At the pond" , I replied. " I'm coming", he said. " okay see you when you get here", I said and then hung up. I swam around until Felix arrived then the real fun began. we swam for hours without stopping. We splashed each other and swam until the sun started to go down. Then we dried off and walked back to his house. His parents were out of the state for a few months, so they did not know that i was staying here. Of course Felix wants us to move out into an apartment before they come back. Because it turns out the wedding is in a month. I am so exited and nervous at the same time! I also hope that there will not be a lot of people. Of course I will invite Mia and her family. Not my mom or dad. My Aunt. Felix's parents and brother, plus his five most trusted friends.
