
Will Rip Him Apart

Junho was sound asleep on his bed, dreaming of the latest discount sale he had read up about in a magazine. 

"Hu hu hu 10 percent discount," he muttered with a silly smile and rolled over. Shujin slowly opened the front door with her key and put her hands on her hips in annoyance as she saw the useless man sleeping so peacefully.

"Instead of buying the groceries, this freeloader dares to sleep in peace!" she scowled. There was a large bucket of water beside her leg. She had carried it all the way upstairs for emergencies like this.

Picking up the bucket, she tiptoed into the room.

"Fifty bucks?" Junho murmured. "I'll give five dollars!"

The miser was dreaming of discounts, eh?

Shujin threw the bucket full of water on Junho's sleeping figure, splashing it all over him. Junho awoke with a start, spluttering madly. He coughed out water, his body and bed wet with water.
