
Dared! 2

Brother has arrived,

Unlike the indulgent look he usually wore, and cold smooth voice.

The first family's second young master walked in head high, eyes cold but tinged with fury. His full attire consisted of a collarless hand made quarter sleeve button down handmade shirt, with a over coat and loose but well made slacks.

I swallowed knowing his reaction when his aggressive nature rose.

Silently I warned him not to attack, after all in the end the urbo family was still ranked several times above us.

Sigh, now there is no time to be entertained by this human.

The first mistress has even stepped in delivering a slap.

The sound was loud echoing in the room but it was not vicious enough, with this move one had to applaud the first mistress for her foresight for at least in this way brother hyuen would not bloody his hands.
