
Feeling grateful 2 ( slight input of various pov)

(I'd like to inform the readers are sentences with (I) is as per usual the female lead. The others are the background characters. Just to inform you so no one is later confused. It will be short so don't worry.)


I cried.

Tears leaked from my eyes almost blinding me, I held my gift close and cried small sounds escaping my mouth.

The air grew heavy, and the sky darkened.

The brothers looked at each other, a bit of surprise and shock in their gazes.

Hyuen himself was already aware. He had concluded long ago his little sister was not an average person. Why would he find her so adorable and shower her with gifts?

Annihilating all that dared to try opposing her giving her a leisure life, just as she had deserved.

All this happened, but I was unaware because I felt that I was ungrateful.

"Young miss," one maid said, eying the sky as it darkened.
