
Patching Things Up

God in his realm was dissatisfied with the ongoing events. He was not happy with how weak the great civilizations really were once you removed their connectivity with each other. God didn't even think that by speeding the rotation of the world, things would change so much.

He did expect the sudden weather changes. That was what he wanted, a change in the weather system. He wanted the weather to be harsher than ever before. However, there were unforeseen consequences, the waters in the equatorial line all bundled up and drowned everyone within it. Both the north and the south seas experienced a sudden drop in sea level.

"This isn't it at all!" God complained to himself.

God was not an omnipotent nor an omniscient being. He could observe what he wishes to observe and he could do what he wishes to do. Nevertheless, his actions were always rash and uncaring for human life. That is only to be expected, he is a God after all.

"Wait a second." God slowed his anger down.

"Ha ha ha ha." He laughed like a madman.

'Why even worry?'

God found an answer towards his very trivial problem. He could not fix his mistake but he could work around that mistake. He was determined to make things much more interesting, he was sick of seeing just human suffering.

"Yes, yes. This is it."

He was determined to make things better. He didn't want humans to just suffer. He wanted them to feel hope, and that hope, he will turn it into despair. He was that much of a sadist.

"It is time to give them some hope."

'Let us observe how precious little Adam is doing.'

God saw the scene of Tim and Ivan using guns to kill the pale creatures. At this sight, God had reacted very surprised. He never expected them to be there.

'They have escaped from their confinement.' God lamented. This gave him another headache.

But as he was such a willy-nilly god, he just went with the flow of things.

"Wait a minute. If I could be so absurd as to give them an advantage, I should also give them something else to worry about. Right?" He said a very scary line. To God, the suffering wasn't enough yet.

"Well then, let us release the Prototypes!" He snapped his fingers as he said. He displayed another sadistic smile on his face.

Due to this decision, plenty of creatures of different kinds were released from God's confinement. Deep within the depths of the Earth, they slowly crawled and will soon rise from their dwellings.

'Into the Earth and populate.' God gave them a command.

God was feeling very generous today. He decided to suddenly change a lot of things. He didn't even think twice, that was how much he enjoys the situation in the world.

'Alright, let's fix that world rotation speed. The humans did not like that very much after all.'

But he felt like that wasn't enough. He wanted to give an edge to his favorite creation. It was such a simple solution to his earlier problem.

'If the humans were so weak, why don't I just make them stronger?' God praised himself as he thought of that.

"Yes. Yes. Let's give them some fighting power to give them a chance. Ooooh, I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they fall down from so high a place."

The mad God patched things up for the better. He balanced the danger and the strength of humanity. In that way, things would last longer. He wished to savor the misery and the excitement after all.

Back to Adam's situation. They were currently walking the tracks. After the initial assault of the creatures, the tunnel was relatively safe. There wasn't a lot of debris to avoid and they didn't have to worry about the elements.

Adam, who wore the goat shirt that Brian gave him, was munching on food yet again. He was constantly eating and for good reason. His body needed the food energy to replenish all that he lost during his reconstruction.

However, due to his constant eating, their food supply was running low. That was the same with their water supply. These are the exact reasons why Tim, the party leader, was worried.

"Adam, slow down the eating. Please?" Tim asked Adam nicely. He was desperate.

Adam stopped chewing. Adam just looked at him in the face, then looked at their food supply, then continued chewing.

Seeing the way his son was acting, Tim twitched his eyebrows. However, he couldn't get mad at his son. He knew that the amount of food Adam was intaking was anomalous in itself, he deduced it had something to do with his recovery.

Continuing their journey with dwindling supplies, they had a rough time. They don't know how many new days they spent following the tracks. Everyone except Adam were tired, hungry and thirsty. It was to the point that Brian, the young mage, no longer cared for his arcane secret.

"Sir Tim, do you have something like a wide container?" Brian asked Tim with a dry mouth.

"Hmm. No?" Tim thought for a while.

"What do you plan to do?" He continued.

"I was planning on condensing water to drink. I can't take it anymore." Brian said, still with a dry mouth.

Tim nodded at his statement. But there was little he could do, they had no container other than the water canteens that Jenny brought with the rations.

"Hey. You can do that over and over again, right?" Tim asked Brian. He had an idea in his head.


Upon hearing Brian's affirmation. He immediately took all of their water canteens. They had 5 of these said containers that could contain 1 Liter each. It was admirable that they survived this long with so little water but made do with drinking only the necessary amount. Quenching their feeling of thirst by not gulping the water directly but squishing it around within the walls of their mouths first.

Tim took his knife and picked the flattest of all the canteens. He slashed it open. He was ripping one of the sides of the canteen so that it becomes a makeshift bowl. He took a few minutes due to the dullness of the blade and slash resistance of the material.

"Is this, huff, enough?" Tim asked with difficulty. He was breathing heavily and was sweating profusely.

His body was nearing its limit, it screamed for water. The longer you go without water intake, the less you can do without getting tired. Water is the heat regulator within our bodies after all.

"Yes. It is enough. Thank you, Sir." Brian said his thanks and took the makeshift bowl.

He began focusing his will on his mana. Directing it to gather all of the moisture within the air around it, he changed the nature of mana to become as cold as ice. He spread his mana wide and soon water began gathering above his palm. With his other hand, he took the makeshift bowl and scooped the water with it.

'As expected. It works here too.' Brian was ecstatic.

What he did was not a spell. He only moved his mana around to affect its surroundings. That means that all the mana he used can be regained.

Brian gathered all of the mana and put it back within his body. It cost him nearly nothing to take water from the air.

This was the reason why Brian could cast great spells with a lacking mana capacity as a child. His spells or mana usage were efficient. However, his methods took a lot of concentration and knowledge that it was impractical for battle at this moment.

Everyone in the party observed this process. They didn't have any words to say, except for Adam of course.

"Waaaa, that is so cool!" Adam excitedly said with sparkling eyes.

"Hey, hey. Was that magic? Teach me, please. Teach me. Teach me." He festered Brian.

However, Brian was focused on his work, And in the meanwhile, Tim explained to the adults about his magic. Brian did not reply to Adam's words even until he filled all 4 of the canteens and the makeshift bowl.

He then distributed the canteens then drank from one himself. Whilst drinking, he noticed that Adam was sticking to him with bright eyes.

"Hey Brian. Come on, teach me." Adam repeated his chant. He held Brian's hand as he asked.

"What?" Brian retorted.

"You mean magic?" He continued.

"Yes! Teach me magic!" Adam instantly replied.

Brian scoffed at Adam. However, he was also curious. He felt Adam undergo a change in body constitution. Yes, Brian felt Adam's pure mana in his body.

'Let's entertain the kid.' Brian thought as he lifted the hand that Adam wasn't holding.

"This is basic magic. Magelight." Brian said and then light radiated from his fingertip.

"Wow. How do you do that?" Adam asked with great curiosity as he shook Brian.

"I'll explain. I gathered the mana within my body towards my fingertip. I enhanced the mana's luminiscience by degrees and this is what you get." Brian explained it simply.

"Mana? What is that?" Adam was baffled.

"It is within you."

"Okay!" Adam said with innocence.

Adam then imitated Brian's actions. However, nothing came out. Brian was still alarmed as he felt Adam's mana moving. Adam's new body had a natural talent.

'This kid is something.' Brian thought.

"Why isn't it working?" Adam annoyingly said as he shook Brian once more.

"First, you have to know and understand what luminescence is." Brian elaborated on understanding.

"Luminescence. Yes. I understand."

Adam closed his eyes. Then he casted magelight once again.

This time, there was light from his fingertips. This excited Adam very much.


Adam, with 2% memory unlocked, had quite the knowledge of the world and how it works.

"Wow." Tim saw the entire process and looked at his son in amazement.


The other problem showed itself. Aside from the quenched thirst, they were all hungry, aside from Adam of course. They had little to no food left and eating the rest wouldn't be enough for all of them.

"I don't know if you guys can stomach this idea. But would you like to try some creature meat?" Tim was suggesting eating the pale creatures.

"At this point, I wouldn't even complain." Ivan replied whilst holding his grumbling stomach.

They were desperate. There was nothing they could procure aside from the dead creatures within the tunnels.

They made a small camp with a fire in the middle. They roasted the creature meat without seasoning so they expected it to be bland, and indeed it was.

Adam observed as they all ate the meat with very aggressive bites. They were ripping t piece by piece since it was too hard to chew. Adam was soon hungry due to him watching everyone so he took a piece.

He bit on one and struggled. It was hard, but he didn't dislike the taste. After a hard time ripping it apart, he finally swallowed.


God has graced you with a gift.

Due to your constant hunger, you have been given the power of Devouring.


A great portion of people all around the world received this message. Gaia was cooperating with God at his notion of strengthening humanity. And -


You have eaten one of your kind.

You have received the power of Cannibalism.


Adam's power immediately activated. It was a very gruesome power. However, the innocent Adam did not think much of it.

The rest of the party all had shock written all over their faces. They also saw the prompt that told them of their Gifts.


God has graced you with a Gift.

Due to witnessing the magic spell "Explosion", you have been given the power of Explosion.


This was what covered Tim's eyes.


God has graced you with a Gift.

Due to your strong feeling of anger when your loved ones get injured, you have been given the power of the Berserker.


This was what covered Jenny's eyes.


God has grace you with a Gift.

Due to your actions as a good samaritan and be a supportive husband, you have been given the power of healing.


This covered the eyes of Ivan. He looked towards his wife and tears filled his eyes.


God has graced you with a Gift.

Due to being having a very low presence and witnessing death of your kind, you have been given the power of stealth and assassination.

God has pitied your soul. Your disabilities are now classified as injuries.


Ivan's wife. Who until now was not named, showed her big round eyes in surprise.

And Brian also had a prompt plastered in his vision. However, he had a headache from reading the message.
