
Chapter 15 the end

Margaret/after me and tae we're done we met up outside of the rooms I looked at Jade's dress which was pretty red black and Raina's dress was brown with Topaz gems on it.

jade/OK let's go Margaret and they paid for the dresses we went in the car to go back to the mansion we got change they were all in tuxedos while we were in old times dresses we got back in the car and drove to the party. We went in and it looked cool modern like in old times the man went to go get us drinks while we waited we danced for a while while we were watching everybody jump and dance at the new music I Saw Lily staring at us. The party was over and went back to the house we lie down and it was a good night.

10 years later

Kendel/mom the dishwasher is broken again.

Margaret/sen go fix the dishwasher

Tae/OK it's been 10 Years since last time I've had one daughter and two sons Raina had a whole litter and Jade had two sons three daughters namjoon what is the father of Kirstein Jin was the father of Nivea and Merida and junkook Was the father of cris and sen jr we were happy always love this life The end

??? POV

I'll make sure that they all remember they belong to me I'll have them once I'll have them again just wait the end is not near it's the beginning.
