
Chapter 53: Square One

Behemoth looked at Colt. If Colt was unwilling he was about to be killed by either Behemoth or any of the other sins so it was there was really only one choice. But he wanted to hear the man say no and start despairing before he took his soul. He licked his lips.

Colt noticed this but didn't even bother to look at Behemoth.

"You can have it. If it's to kill Kami and deal the finishing blow you can have it. I don't mind in the slightest" Colt claimed

Behemoth was shocked, he didn't expect this response. Lushan stood up and walked over to Colt.

"For power?"


"Your soul is now mine!"

Lushan stared into Colt's eyes and grabbed his shoulders. He lifted them up and a white see through hue appeared. It was Colt's soul.

"If I eat this now you will die but a deal is a deal. When you die I will dine" Lushan smiled

Colt seemed unfazed. Lushan's finger developed a small nether fire. Lushan touched the forehead of Colt and the man dropped to the ground

"I don't know who this man is but I can tell from his soul he hates Kami more than I want get rid of him for interfering" Lushan stated "Playing with a demon won't get you a light sentence and I hope this man can teach this to Kami"

The next day had rolled around and everyone in Styx were working hard to try enlarge their spiritual reserves.

"Why is this so hard!" Tama complained

None of them were capable of even cracking their spiritual reserves yet since they were struggling to draw in large quantities of power from the surroundings. At most they could fill their reserves with the power but it would go straight inside, they wanted to stop the power before it enters their reserves but the difficulty was equal to keeping two magnets away from each other when they are only a centimetre apart.

"I have an Idea" Liliana began "What if we absorb this external energy then we use our own energy to seal everything off and let the large quantities going in destroy our spiritual reserves"

The party of 5 weighed the possible pros and cons and decided it was worth a shot. They could control their own power perfectly so they could stop it where they needed to so according to Liliana's theory it would work.

They all immediately began drawing in the power from the surroundings with a struggle whilst pulling in any leakages of their spiritual energy right around their spiritual reserves.

"It's working... so far" Pyria announced

Everyone was thinking this. They began to let the power overflow. As this happened as expected their reserves began cracking. It brought out numbness and weakness throughout their body the more they cracked their reserves. The energy began pouring out in huge quantities until it broke completely.

They stopped drawing in power and focused on maintaining a shield around where the reserve once was.

They instantly felt it forcing itself out. This was a problem.

"Dammit! Don't let it escape, or we have to start from 0!" Kami exclaimed

"0?!" Lynx responded

"We will either lose all spiritual powers or die" Kami explained

Everyone now realised the situation they were in. Failure means death for them. They can't afford to lose this power and even if it doesn't, no one will be able to rival the demons and the world will be destroyed. If they fail its just that death may be prolonged for a few days instead of being instantaneous.

The problem was that the external power was of better quality than what was within them. Because of this, now that it is trying to break out it is having minimal problems. They can just barely hold it in.

"Kami. How long until this heals?" Pyria asked

"The reserves? A few days, we can't sleep until this is fixed" Kami announced

The others screamed as they almost gave up and embraced death.

"Solution! The more contained you have the power the more you will struggle, spread out your power more so it isn't as difficult" Kami explained

They did as they were told but the difference in difficult was minor but unless they wanted to die they had to hold on.

Hours went by whilst they sweat buckets. The ground was so moist beneath them all it appeared to look as if it had rained. They could feel their spiritual reserves building themselves back up again larger and thicker than before but it was a minimal amount, they were still going to be waiting for a long time.

The sun had fallen and the moon shone in its place. The bodies of Tama and Lynx were slightly shaking under the pressure they were feeling whilst the rest were still able to grit their teeth and bare the pain.

It was like water rubbing against a rock wearing it away but at an accelerated speed. They could feel their power weakening the longer they kept going.

"I don't think imma make it" Tama groaned

"Same" Lynx groaned back

Lynx and Tama a few hours later couldn't hold out any longer and fell backwards.

"If they can't hold out this will be their end!" Liliana screamed "What are we going to do?"

Kami stretched a hand to their stomachs and forced his own power into them. Now he began to shake. To their bodies, even if Kami was helping he was a foreign entity to their bodies were trying to reject his spiritual energy making this difficult and the fact that he is maintaining a shield for three broken spiritual reserves when he was already struggling with one was a huge problem.

"Kami!" Pyria and Liliana said in unison

I don't know if you can handle this burden so I am the best option. Even if you two could take one together you may die. If that happens we are screwed" Kami stated

"If you die it is the same thing!" Pyria noted

Liliana agreed but they could tell he wasn't going to give up so they dropped it after he told them to focus on themselves.

In only 5 minutes later his breathing turned heavy and his body was spasming wildly. It took everything he had to hold on. He repeatedly told himself the pain wasn't there. He needed to push through to save his friends.
