
Can't Use It

Black Locust had to admit he was tempted. But then again, there is one more problem with someone's Pocket Dimensional Realm. Their owners are gods inside it. Even Semi-Celstials would be helpless if they ended up inside someone else's Pocket Dimensional Realm.

"Just go already, everyone," Kafan assured. "This is not time to cause trouble, so they will not do anything to you. I went inside myself recently and I can guarantee their Dimensional Realm won't collapse. If you still have doubts, you can ask Huban and Gragatou. They, too, had been there before."

Huban and Gragatou glanced at each other. They did indeed enter the twins' Dimensional Realm, but the twins had even lower cultivation back then. It's just that Kafan made them agree they wouldn't tell anyone about it. First of all, Kafan, Huban, and Gragatou were the only Semi-Celestials who knew the Cultivation Sacred Land was actually the twins' Pocket Dimensional Realm. 
