

Several days later, Kentucky finally flew all the way to Blucan City. He was the first to notice it in the distance before passing the information to the twins. 'Here we are. If Roan's map is correct, that city in the distance should be Blucan.'

Rean took a little longer to be able to see the city as his eyes weren't as good as Kentucky's. After confirming that the position on the map matched the city, Rean patted Kentucky's back and sent him an answer. 'Alright, Kentucky. Go back into the Dimensional Realm. I'm going inside to see if I can get the information.'

Kentucky didn't want to go back but knew it was not time to complain. Heavens has many races, but they are all Angel types. Be it the Beast or the Humanoid types, they all had Angel Wings. Kentucky didn't have it, so he couldn't show himself.
