
The Name

'No one knows,' Jeskli-go shrugged his shoulders as he answered.

Yet, Kentucky found the pause weird. 'You're lying to me, right? For a moment there, your expression was of someone who seemed to know something. What are you hiding from me?'

Jeskli-go shook his head in response. 'I'm not lying. No one knows where they are at the moment. However, I do know something. I can guarantee that they're both alive at the moment.'

'How?' Kentucky immediately asked.

Jeskli-go simply smiled, telling him, 'If you go to our ancestral land, you'll find that the Minokawas that cultivate there create a connection with that place. There's a reason for our cultivations to be that good, you know? What I can tell is that your father and mother's connection to it hasn't disappeared.'

It was then that Jeskli-go remembered something. 'Right! In the end, where did your parents take you to?'
