
Major help


I watch him eat and my heart swells up with warmth. The fact that he accepted this means something. Deep down, he trusts me—okay, maybe not trust but I don't see fear in his eyes anymore. "How is it?''

He looks up at me, still chewing the meat "It is okay,'' he tells me calmly. I don't know what he is thinking right now. The mind link between us is as good as dead. Do you know who you are?'' I ask him. I want him to trust that he can talk to me. It might seem like the hardest thing right now but I believe it is possible.


His answer is firm and straightforward. He doesn't know how he is which just means that he is basically in the skin of someone else and he doesn't even know what is going on.

"I am Gyles, can you say my name?''

He frowns and then drops the meat back in the container "Why?'' he furrows his brows in confusion. To him, I am just a stranger, someone that is keeping him hostage.
