
The Bribe.


''Don't walk away from me,'' she yells and the sound is deafening.

''I don't want to know, hence why I am walking away '' I explain even though I am being a jerk right now. I watch my mother as she sighs but follows me into my room. we were just having dinner. it was supposed to be a peaceful evening but she had to mention marriage. what the fuck is she thinking?

I try to bang the door as I usually do but she beats me to it. This is not the first time we are having a screaming fest. it is normal for us. Just let me disagree with something she thinks is right or if she disagrees with me. We end up making so much noise that the neighbours have to make a complaint.

''Oh, you don't get to walk away from this conversation. Why can't you ever act like a normal person?'' she is trying to hurt me. Everyone this is my mother, the woman who birthed me. My supposed ride or die.

''What if I am done with the conversation?'' I raise my brow teasing her. she sighs loudly, obviously frustrated but I live for these moments. Moments where I can get under her skin. She doesn't get to tell me that she is getting married and expect me to just welcome the man I have never met in my life. That's not how this works.

''He wants to meet you before the wedding.''



Whenever I have an issue with mama dear she ends up taking the conversation to four stages. The first is Anger. Hence the whole scream fest

''I don't want to meet him,'' I am still holding the door and she is doing the same. I groan and let go of the door and walk over to my bed. the mattress dips down with the pressure of my weight.

''Please Lanny'' she calls me by the nickname I somehow gave myself when I was a kid. Growing up I couldn't pronounce my name so I always said Lanny and somehow she picked it up and that's what she calls me when she is trying to get me to behave. You have to understand that I am the worst. I intentionally live for trouble moments.

The second is pleading. That's why her voice is suddenly calmer now and she is trying to reason with me. I can smell the desperation in her voice.

I don't like to do what I am told.

I always get what I want because I feel this life is too short and I won't live it for anyone else. no matter the situation; if it doesn't sit right with me I won't force myself to do it.

It's just me.

''I don't want to, this is between you and him; why am I suddenly involved in your relationship. this is a man I have never met and now you suddenly want me to meet him after you agreed to marry the guy. No thanks Mama"

She sighs and closes the door. She sits down at the edge of the bed and I know what is next. We are in the third stage.


''I promise, just this once. You don't have to spend more than an hour. it can be a quick lunch," I look at her with disbelief. She is marrying the guy. Of course, I will have to spend more than an hour with him. I will have to live with the sucker. This is an unfair request.

''You're being selfish. I am not interested in your husband. You chose him. Why do I have to kiss his ass too?"

She shakes her head ''No you won't. He really wants to meet you. Oh, he has a son, he's your age. You guys can be friends."

I scoff because if this is the best she can do then she is not going to win this round. ''Oh telling me he has a son will make me more interested?'' I ask her because I genuinely want to know how her mind works.

She sighs and for the first time, I notice that her hair is a darker shade. The white strands that I know were there are gone now "Did you dye your hair?" I ask in disbelief. She touches the strands and smiles "Yes I did. John says it makes me look like Jasmine from Aladin" she has a dreamy look on her face.

I fake gag from just the thought of her and HER john.

"EWWW woman"

''Come on Lanny, okay. I will give you a raise on your allowance"

My eyes shoot up to her. The interests suddenly there and guys we are at the end and most successful stage.


"How much?"

She smiles.

"50 bucks"

I shake my head because I know she can do better. Remember when I said I only do things I want to. Well, I want a raise. I want to buy a new game and it is freaking expensive. This is my way in. I can get the raise and meet "John"

I have nothing to lose.

"I think 50 isn't worth meeting this man. You gotta do better than that mama"

Glaring with a frown she sighs "Your mission is to rob me. What kind of son bribes his mother?" she says like it is the most unbelievable thing.

I roll my eyes "Hey, you're the one bribing here. I am just accepting the bribe"

She stands up from the bed and walks over to the door "80 Bucks and that's my final offer. His driver will come to pick you up tomorrow. Please be on your best behaviour" I watch her as she leaves the room with a feeling of accomplishment.



A chauffeur.

How rich is this man?

I walk out of our apartment building and the black Mercedes in quite obvious in this neighbourhood. The driver gets down from the car and opens the door as I walk closer "Good afternoon sir."



It's funny because somehow I have suddenly turned into a sir. Unbelievably, I like the attention. I enter the car and he closes the door for me. Dude, I have hands you don't have to do everything.

The ride to the restaurant is short and we get there in a split second. I didn't even have enough time to relax and mentally prepare my mind for this encounter.

I don't know the right things to say. I was bribed into going so I have to try my best not to be the bitch that I usually am. I don't want to ruin this for her.

Yeah, I don't fully support this her marriage but she seems happy. I can tell that much and if she wants to marry this man. I have to come to terms with it. I know myself. I unintentionally bite my own ass with my words. I might say something so stupid or do something that I will end up regretting.

I should at least try for her.

"We're here," the drivers says and looks at me through the rearview mirror.

I manage a smile "aren't you gonna open the door for me?"


You see. I say stupid stuff all the time. He looks at me with disbelief and I blush embarrassed for myself. I am already messing things up before I even meet the man. if I blow this, I can just kiss my extra eighty bucks goodbye.

We are at Meat and Grills. It's a barbeque joint close to my house. I am a sucker for their barbeque. Mom must have told him that I like this place. He is trying to win me over. I walk into the building and the driver follows me "Do you have a name?" I ask him. I am still looking for trouble. I don't know why but it seems fun teasing someone that can't engage with you.

"George" he answers.

Once inside I look for the man of the hour but I realize I don't know how he looks like. Probably why George is following me in. "Nice bow tie George," I notice it for the first time. He smiles faintly and suddenly stops in front of a table. A man in a suit is seated. He stands up immediately he sees us. His hair is gelled so neatly it almost looks like someone rubbed spit all over it. His white shite is so crisp and neat that I feel dirty in my sweatshirt and jeans. I didn't even bother to dress to impress.

No time for that.

He is quite handsome for an old guy with brown hair and hazel eyes. He is like a foot taller than me and I see the muscles through his shirt. Ooohh mama picked right. I laugh to myself. We are having an awkward staring contest. And for a second I want to say something stupid to make this less awkward but moms face keeps on popping into my head.

"Hi Son," he stretches his hand out for a handshake.

What am I fifty?

I ignore his hand and slide into the booth. He laughs a kind of throaty laugh. I can tell I am making him nervous. I like getting on his nerves. I like getting on people's nerves. It makes me feel alive.

Weird right?

"Your mother has told me so much about you but she really went short on how good looking you are," he sits down opposite me. I look away from him and notice that George is no longer with us. I didn't even know he left.

"Me? Handsome? You don't have to lie to win points," I wave my hands in the air in a sort of come on dude, no need for lies way. I am barely five feet with short hair, freckles and brown eyes. My freckles are so bad that somethings they look like acne. I am skinny and too lazy to go to the gym. He is obviously sucking up right now and it's not working.

"No lying here. You are very handsome" he smiles. His teeth are perfect. "Brad is supposed to be here" he grabs his iPhone from the table and unlocks it "Brad?" I ask unsure

"My son, he is late," he explains.

He places the phone on his ear "Where are you?" his tone is suddenly firm. He is trying to act nice in front of me. I see through you, mister. You are not so perfect. "This was important, I told you a week before Brad. Okay, alright"

I can't hear the other end of the conversation but I take it that Brad is a no show. He drops the phone with a solemn expression "He had basketball practice," he explains to me like I even care. I am not interested in meeting his son; I only came here for the money.

"All good," I smile.

"What will you like to eat....

After lunch, we go back to the car and he smiles, to him this was the perfect introduction but right now I just want to get out of this uncomfortable situation "Thanks for meeting me today son,"

I hate that he calls me son. I am not his son, he doesn't have to act like this is completely normal. He doesn't need to love me to love my mother. I am completely fine with not being in the picture.

"Me too" I lie through my teeth. I need this to be perfect because I need the money. If mother dearest hears anything bad from me, I can kiss it goodbye.

"You have to meet Brad. You guys will get along so well,"

I furrow my brows unsure who he is talking about "Brad?" I ask confused.

He smiles "My son. I think I mentioned his name before" you see how not interested in this I am. I totally forgot about his son. Does he think just because people are the same age, they'd get along? That's even more of a reason why we might never get along. Brad sounds like a tool and I won't be pretending to be all chummy with the guy. It's bad that I have to kiss ass to his father.


Definitely not.
