
Spoiler: MC and thoughts on the power scale


Race: Demigod (God of Destruction/Seraph)

Appearance: He has long golden hair and eyes, his wings are golden with a red hue, as an adult he will be a bit bigger than 1,90m with an athletic built (though a bit less than Sairaorg, for reference sake)


· Flight due to his 12 wings (and alternatively magic)

· Extreme energy reserves

· Very high physical prowess (he trained his body and he needs a strong body to contain his high and destructive energy reserves)

· 12 angelic wings that can be used to fight as well

· Slight foresight ability (Ezekiel can look a moment into the future, compared to his father that can predict the future somewhat)

· Empath: he can feel emotions when concentrating (His father can read minds and see the real character of people)

· Master swordsman after his instruction from Ewald and Vasco

· Decent hand-to-hand combatant

· Tactical mind trained by Ewald

· Decent magical abilities after learning from Griselda

· High level energy manipulation (holy/light with destructive properties) after training from Uriel

· Presence/aura manipulation/projection: He can force his aura onto others or reign it in to appear as nothing more than a normal human.

· Very high potential and near constant growth due to his parentage. He has the possibility to become a full god with powers close to his fathers' level.

Weapon: Sword forged from divine metals (name still to be decided)

Brave saints (not sure on them for now):

· Vasco Strada (Vasco Strada (would probably end up with 10-12 wings because of his ridiculous strength)

· Ewald Christaldi (Not as strong as Vasco but has a sharp mind and strong techniques. His advantage lies in speed)

· Jeanne

· Asia


My thoughts on the strongest beings and an upper power scale (according to the original authors comments and other thoughts I read on the internet):

Ophis, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Sakra, Thor, Typhon/Fenrir, Hades, Aten, Lugh are the strongest beings.

Great Red is not included since he does not fight, but he together with Trihexa are obviously at the top of the ranking.

The biblical god is not known for his fighting strength, but he managed to seal all kind of powerful creatures (heavenly dragons and Trihexa) which shows that he at least deserves to be counted as strong.

A lot of the Hindu gods would rank lower but somewhere close to Shiva, because they have "cheat-like" abilities, which seems to be the reason they mostly were not included in HS DxD (according to the author).

If Sirzechs and Ajuka are serious, then they will be placed among the ranks of the strongest beings. They seem to be stronger than Rizevim, Balberith and others, which are super devils themselves, but clearly not as s trong.

It seems the author mentioned Azazel can power up enough to step into the top 10 since he is a genius and able to build powerful stuff. (Though he did not as for now, it is more about potential)

It is basically three tiers with Great Red, Ophis and Trihexa in the first tier. The second one is the overpowered Hindu Gods (at least the strongest) and the third one is the rest.

Crom Cruach was said to be on par with Ddraig and Albion or even surpass them already. He should be in the strongest beings as well.

I would put Ezekiel in the third tier when he becomes an adult and gained a bit more experience. Later if he manages to become a complete god, he might step into the second tier and come close to his father's strength.

Keep in mind, that everyone considered to be in the list of the strongest beings is a complete monster. Strong individuals like Odin are not counted amongst them. A fitting argument I read would be the fight against Loki. It was Vali and his team, Rias and her Team, Azazel and Baraqiel and they needed Thor's hammer to stop Loki. Loki is not even counted in the strongest beings.

Satan class is practically the upper end of the ultimate class. (For example Serafall any Grayfia) Sairaorg has the potential to rank amongst the strongest beings in the future. Ultimate Class beings go down from his punch and he is still very young. Later he was already counted as Satan class or above.

I would put the dragon kings somewhere in the upper end of the ultimate class as well.

The power scale for angels specifically: They gain more wings they stronger they are, as it was stated, that Irina gained another pair as she grew stronger. Things like weapons are not even counted here and the upper limit are 6 pairs of wings. It does not mean, that they cannot grow stronger afterwards, just that there will not be more wings. It would honestly look idiotic in my opinion. It was further stated, that reincarnated angels can even attain the rank of seraphs which Dulio managed to do (I think through his balance breaker.) Since I am thinking to somehow add Vasco and Ewald into his brave saints, a short comment on their strength. Vasco is regarded as the strongest human being and even the current Sarans are vary of him. He defeated Kokabiel in his youth. (he was still not in his prime) He managed to take on the whole Gremory team alone. After he was restored to his prime he overpowered Vali in Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive, Bikou, a weakened Fenrir and Gogmagog. Now imagine how monstrous he would get if he gets reincarnated as an angel. Reverting back into his prime because of the longevity, the holy/light based powers and his physic further enhanced. Ewald on the other hand is extremely fast and a master tactician. He uses what he has at his disposal and is a master swordsman himself. With all of that combined he even managed to overwhelm Yuuto, Irina, Dulio and Griselda by himself.

The fodder ranks are not important, just remember that everyone from ultimate class and above are abnormally powerful and the strongest beings are a whole other class by themselves. Though there are many factors like experience, weapons, tactics and more. That said, that's as precise as my ranking will go. I hope it was more or less understandable. (as unstructured as it is)

Hello there! Just some information on the mc and thoughts for the future. The powerscale is vague but as precise as I think it makes sense. My information were collected from the wiki, partly my thoughts and the following link.


Tardigradacreators' thoughts