
Simple things- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Much loved - Rachel Portman


Lucy stared at Theodore, her body numb and her emotions frozen as she tried to sink in the words that he said to her. It wasn't hard to understand what he told her, but the way he did and the words he chose were what she needed to hear. She didn't know how to react, leaving her completely speechless. 

Theodore loved her. Even after all these years where she had given him nothing but cold shoulders and her words sharp like knives, he continued to love her. 

Her eyes started to blur while staring at him, and she finally looked down to hide her tears from Theodore. A quick frown appeared on Theodore's forehead, and he apologised,

"I am sorry. It must have been too fast." 

Lucy shook her head, "No," she whispered, her voice cracking as she took a deep breath and looked back at Theodore. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
