
Deep until elbow- Part 2

Mr. Moryett laughed heartily, "Oh, please do! You are the future King, we can only hope to be at your best service," he bowed his head. 

"You are too kind with your words, Mr. Moryett. I am more than happy to stay as an advisor in the royal court," Calhoun wore a charming smile on his lips, speaking to every one of them while making sure to let them know how important they were. People were always quick to fall for the flattering words thrown at them, and they often obliged to be nice to the other person, and those were the people who wanted to impress others by their presence. 

On the other side of the room, Lady Samara was talking to a woman who asked, 

"Isn't Lucy coming today?" 

Lady Samara replied, "We did send out the invitation. I don't know what's taking her this long."
