
Unexpected help- Part 1

Calhoun didn't fly all the way to the village, and he kept a distance while trailing Morganna's scent that heavily filled the air. Once he had spotted her, he had descended on the ground, and the wings on his back immediately disappeared as if they were never there. 

This was the village of Obson, and Calhoun saw Morganna talking to a man. He couldn't help but wonder why Morganna had come here when she could send her men to do whatever the job she had in here. If he wasn't wrong, Morganna was already scheming a plan to throw him out of the castle as his presence threatened her rule over the Kingdom. 

"When do you think I will be able to acquire the other pieces?" questioned Morganna to the man who wore a turban around his head.

"Word is that the jewels are going to be transported through the sea as there is a possibility of sabotage taking place in the land. The bandits in the forest have been stealing things," informed the man, bowing his head as he spoke. 
