
Provoking insecurities- Part 3

Theodore, who had been intrigued by Calhoun's wings and his presence, now understood what he wanted to do. He offered his help to Calhoun by saying,

"I will be the person who watches your back and helps you accomplish your goals. I know you want to avenge for the past events."

Calhoun's eyes that were closed, opened, and he sat up. He looked at Theodore, "You might get caught and executed. Are you willing to give up your life?" demanded Calhoun.

With Theodore's background and his involvement with the women of the high society, Calhoun wasn't sure how well it would go. 

Theodore bowed his head, "I doubt I would be executed that easily. Do you have a plan?" asked Theodore, adjusting the glasses on his face. 

Calhoun nodded his head, "There's always a plan." 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
