
Angels and Demons- Part 2

Calhoun stared at the angels with shielded masks on their faces with a staff in each of their hands. The journey to this place had taken them more time than he had expected them to reach Heaven. Three hours twelve minutes and ten seconds counting. He had been counting the time since he had last seen Madeline, and with every second that passed by, the anger in his eyes only increased. 

"Step away from the gates!" ordered one of the angels standing in front of the gates. "Heaven is no place for demons. You are not welcome here anymore, Lucifer!" 

"Vladimir," corrected the Devil, "I go by the name Vladimir. Now be good boys and open the gates." 

"Never!" shouted another guard. "We are the guards who protect the gates of Heaven. You shall not pass and will leave immediately!" 

The other guards stood in position, ready to attack if the demons were to advance forward. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
