
Family time- Part 2

When Mrs. Harris' eyes fell on Vladimir, she quickly looked at Madeline, "I didn't know we are having a guest."

Vladimir tilted his head, and he prompted the word, "Guest? I am the relative, milady." 

For a moment, Mrs. Harris was left confused, and her eyes then suddenly widened, "Y-you are the King's grandfather?" 

"So you have heard about me," Vladimir offered Madeline's mother a smile, and with his eyes that were wide, it only turned the woman frightened in his presence. The Devil started to walk straight towards Mrs. Harris, and he said, "We didn't get to meet each other officially. I am Vladimir Lazarus, Calhoun's beloved grandfather," he stressed on the word beloved. 

If her mother hadn't heard about who Vladimir was, maybe it would have been easier to ease her into the situation, but Madeline could tell her mother's nerves were wrecked in worry in the presence of the Devil. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
