
Devil and Angels- Part 3

Vladimir was unhappy that Calhoun had taken his joy to torment someone. "And where might have you heard this?" 

One side of Calhoun's lips pulled up, "From my mother."

Beth let a sigh of relief through her lips. She had been worried that something bad was going to happen. It seemed that she was part of the living as well as belonging to the underworld because of the Devil's blood coursing through her veins. 

Vladimir chuckled, "I saw Michael yesterday. What a nosey angel he is, always trying to keep an eye on what I am doing. He came to me with an offer, an offer much better than what I gave you all when it comes to the demon's life. Did you find an innocent soul or have you decided to let him rest in peace in the coffin?" Vladimir turned his head to look in the direction where Raphael laid in the cemented coffin. 

"Your offer was so amazing that we thought it was better to let it pass," commented Calhoun with sarcasm. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
