
The walk- Part 4

The blood continued to spill out of Jennine's mouth. At first, it was red, and then it turned somewhat dark. Quickly getting away from her, Madeline watched Jennine's body convulse on the floor until the body turned still. 

Leaving the room quickly, she went to the living room to see Jennine's father, who had opened his mouth and looked like he was sucking something from the woman, who struggled to push him away. These were not humans, said Madeline to herself. Humans, vampires, angels and demons. Demons. 

She knew she was not supposed to interfere, but her feet automatically moved by itself without a thought and the next thing Madeline knew, she was trying to pull the man away from the woman with her small hands. 

"What the fuck are you doing!" asked the man. He turned around and she caught another pair of black eyes. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
