
Execution- Part 4

Music Recommendation: The Execution by Paul Cantelon


Upon the night's arrival, Calhoun walked through the passage of the dungeon as he made his way to where Markus was held in the cell room. It had been barely a few hours since Markus was kept in here, and he already looked like his soul had left his body. 

"Did you come here to mock me?" questioned Markus.

"About what?" Calhoun feigned ignorance with a straight expression on his face until it finally cracked into a grin. "You are right, I did come to mock you. But more importantly, I thought I should return this to you." He put his hand in his trouser pocket to pull out a small bottle and threw it at Markus, who caught it. 

Markus gritted his teeth upon seeing the same bottle which he had asked Beth to use on the King. By its weight in his hand, he could tell it was empty. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
