
Sitting with you- Part 4

She was glad to hear it from Calhoun's mouth that he had nothing to do with her father's shop, that it was someone else's doing. Happy that any possible misunderstanding between them had been dealt.

Madeline continued to stare at Calhoun, his face holding a shadow because of the lack of light coming through the windows where they sat in the chapel. She wondered what he was thinking right now. 

When he moved closer to her, her heart skipped a beat at the action, her brown eyes slightly wide, "I didn't know the castle had a chapel."

"Are you surprised?" he asked her, getting even closer and Madeline who had tried to change the subject failed to think of a reply because of Calhoun's closeness. She noticed how his lips parted, his tongue peeking out to run it over the front of his teeth, "Hm?" 

Madeline's eyes snapped up to look back into his red eyes, "I-I thought vampires-That they don't believe in church. In God." 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
