
Word is out- Part 2

Calhoun moved so fast that Madeline didn't have the time to grasp what happened until she saw him holding an arrow in front of him. The sharp edge of the metal was directed towards them, and her eyes fell on Calhoun whose features turned red with anger. Bringing the arrow close to him, he ran his fingers over the metal which burned the skin on his fingers. 

Madeline turned instantly worried, "Y-your hand!" he was getting hurt, and she heard the sizzling sound of the heat. She saw him break the arrow into two pieces before throwing them on the ground. 

He stared in the direction from where the arrow had come towards them or her.

If Calhoun had not been quick enough, the arrow would have hit her for sure, "Are you alright?" he asked her, his eyes moving across her face and her body.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
