
Kitchen work- Part 1

Calhoun, who had the note in his hand, opened the piece of paper that was folded many times to make it small so that one wouldn't notice. He wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for Madeline's sudden surprised look that had led his eyes to trail down at her hand to find her clutching on to something. 

The fire in the fireplace flickered softly, leaving an orange golden-like glow in the room where Calhoun sat. When he was on the last fold, finally about to see what was in there, the door of the room knocked from outside and in came his cousin sister Sophie. Sophie bent her body along with her head to show him the utmost respect. 

Sophie noticed Calhoun, who was seated on the couch with a glass of blood in his hand. Internally she was overjoyed, realising Calhoun had not taken blood from the lowly human directly, and it had been offered to him through the glass. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
