
Time on scaffold- Part 1

When morning arrived, Madeline was filled with nothing but the angst of what was going to happen in the next couple of hours. She was worried for the servant man who had not been released because of the lack of evidence they had in favour of him when it came to his innocence, he would be made to walk up the scaffold. She was unhappy with the unfairness and even though she had known the servant for just a day, she had tried to do her best in finding out the culprit, but for a person who had been in the castle barely for five days, this was all she could do. 

She had fallen asleep late in the night, which had resulted in her waking up late. Right now, she stood with her hands, holding one of the bedposts tightly as her corset was being pulled with the laces by the head maid. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
