
Provoking- Part 1

Calhoun returned to the carriage after a few minutes later, taking the seat right next to her. Madeline wished there was another door to get out from the carriage, but there wasn't one. Her lips trembled; therefore, she didn't open it. Too stunned to say anything and react, she sat quietly as she felt his overbearing presence in this closed space. 

She waited for Theodore to join them inside, but when the door of the carriage was closed, she felt her heart almost slip out of her chest. Internally she was a mess, and she couldn't think straight. By the screams that she heard from outside, it was evident that the King had finished the man off who had given her the ride. The horses started to pull the carriage, and they began to head back to the castle, the same place she had tried to get away. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
