
[Chapter 213] Sadistic

Rolen suddenly hears screams in the distance as large purple spikes reach into the sky. Everyone silently looks at eachother before Jade speaks, "Her split personality still scares me."

Ruby nods, "It's kinda freaky. Her other side only comes out during combat, and even then, it's so sadistic and twisted it makes me sick."

Amber and Emerald both nod, agreeing with her description. Rolen sighs as he turns towards the group of people bound in vines, "First, we should figure out what these people are and what they are doing out here following us…and can one of you go get control of Amethyst please?"

The girls look between eachother and Ruby swiftly pulls out her hands, "Rock, paper, scissors for who has to try and reason with that blood-thirsty bitch."

Ruby is as serious as stone while the others quickly pull out their hands. No one wants to deal with the other personality as they all agree, she is a psychotic bitch. She plays sick games with her victims before murdering them outright, any deals with her victims mean nothing to her, it's all for the fun. Luckily, Rolen seems to be able to calm her down, and just using Rolen's name can usually be enough if she isn't too far gone.

3 games later…Ruby wants to scream as she swiftly bolts towards Amethyst. 'She is lucky she has the light affinity or I would encase her to the end of time.'

As she arrives, she sees Amethyst in a relaxed position, holding an armored man. His screams escape his helmet as she cruelly laughs, as if she is enjoying this moment. Purple spikes frosted in blood surround her as dead bodies litter the ground. Her purple hair is dyed in red as splotches of blood drip down, her face twisted as her usual glasses are no where to be seen.

"It's such a disappointment for you to arrive Ruby, I was just about to have fun with my new friend here." Amethyst says as she giggles, looking at Ruby with one fierce movement in her neck.

Ruby walks up to her as she grabs her arm, her grip tightening around Amethyst's wrist, "Let go, we need to interrogate them. Alive."

She looks over irritated as she asks, "And which one of you are giving me the order? Amber? Jade? Emerald? You?" Amethyst's grip slowly begins to tighten around the man's neck as he struggles for air.



The man's body is dropped to the ground as he coughs heavily, as if having just choked on his own lungs. Amethyst smiles sadistically as she seemingly teleports right before Ruby, "Oh! I haven't met Rolen in forever! I need to ask how he has been! Can we go talk to him? I want to talk to him!"

Ruby rolls her eyes as she lays down demands, "First off, we are bringing anyone that is left alive back. Second off, after talking to him, you must let your alter ego come back."

She frowns as she glares at Ruby. After a few moments, she groans, "Fine, but can I kill at least one more?"

Ruby stares at Amethyst, giving her a firm no. Amethyst sighs and rounds up the last few soldiers she didn't kill and covers them in purple crystals, leaving their heads bare. She violently grabs the crystal contained captives and hauls them onto her shoulder.

She turns to Amethyst as she exclaims, "Lead the way!"

They walk their way to Rolen and just as he enters clear view, Amethyst lunges at him. He stops interrogating the large group of soldiers and swiftly turns around, just to catch the smiling Amethyst. Amber and Jade shiver as Amethyst speaks.

"Hey Rolen, I haven't talked to you in forever! How have you been?" Rolen shrugs, "Confused mainly, how about you Amethyst?"

She looks up at his face as her pillows press against his chest. "I have been pretty lonely, stuck in that dark room. But now that I am out…" she wraps her arms around Rolen as she takes a deep breath, "…I want to spend a little time with you."

Ruby coughs, "Don't forget our deal."

Amethyst sighs before nodding, "Fine, fine."

What Amethyst's psychotic ego resides in is what she describes as a dark room with a single light, a bed, and a seat, that's it. However, Rolen doesn't feel that bad for her seeing how her hobby is murdering in the most horrible ways possible.

She lets go of Rolen and takes a step back before waving. "Bye bye, hope to see you more often!"

He nods, mainly trying to keep her from freaking out. Suddenly, it's as if her old self has reappeared, her back stiffens and her smiling face becomes a frown. She looks around before asking in a calm voice, "What happened?"

Rolen explains to Amethyst that her psychotic alter ego came out when she was ready to fight. Amethyst nods as she looks around, seeing the faces of her friends, "I'm sorry for any distress she caused."

Rolen waves it off, "It's fine, don't worry about it. I know you have no control over her if entering a combat situation."

She shakes her head, "I do not personally think it's fine, but I will take your word for it for now."

Ruby looks over at Rolen, who has Jade, Emerald, and Amber by his sides, surrounding the large group of now conscious people. "So what did you find out?"

He sighs, "They said that they are troops patrolling the area. But where they come from, they won't tell me."

Ruby frowns for a moment before looking over at Jade, "You seem the best at torture, can you get him to spill?"

Jade nervously looks away, "You know I don't like doing that, it makes me feel bad."

Ruby shrugs, "Or we can leave our husband in the dark when these people could be a lead to his goal, leaving him forever stuck at where he is."

She gains a serious look as she cracks her knuckles, "Fine, but you are buying me whatever I want when we get back."

Ruby gets a fiery look in her eyes as she glares feistily at Jade, "Fine. I'm making a lot of damn deals today…."

Jade walks over to the leader as she crochets down, "I'm sorry about this." And let's just say, within an hour, he is spilling information like a faucet.

[Hope you all are still here! Rolen is only joining us temporarily before we go back to Kurayami!] Thanks For Reading!

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