
[Chapter 139] Entering The Dungeon

He feels overwhelmed by my size and the shock is written through his eyes. He never thought I could beat her, the hierarchy was set in stone, or so he thought. But today is proof of it not being set in stone, but clay and can be changed with ease.

He points a shaking finger towards the castle, "Dreag-eag is in the castle, below the dungeon."

I wait for a moment before lifting my massive neck back up, the world covered in its shadow now exposed with the lights warm embrace again. I activate Dragon Morph and transform back into my Semi-human Dragonborn form, my purple scales glistening in what light can touch me before creating a dome of darkness to quickly change into regular clothes.

The sphere of shadow melts from around me as it enters my shadow, the sun covering the once dark area with light. I move my neck around as I walk towards the gateway that is blocked by the massive black wall, moving and crawling as if it's alive. I wave my hand and the shadow falls to pieces as it crawls back into my shadow, as if it's the only salvation it has. After the shadow wall disappears, I walk forward as I look at the king face to face.

"If he isn't where you said he is, you can have no hopes of escaping alive. I can assure you that." I say calmly before making my way towards the castle, the crowd of people parting to make way for me.

With one sentence, people could see the difference of power, the king is a grade A which is a level most can't imagine. But with one look, people could see the difference in power by how the king acted, submissive.

As I walk towards the castle, the guards stare at me with fear in their eyes, shakily holding their swords at me. "St-stop, your not allowed to-to enter."

I ignore them as I wrap shadow around their feet, immobilizing them. 'This matter doesn't concern them.' I think as I walk past them. They stare at me as I walk past, sweating from the fear.

I have learned the layout of this castle after being here for 5 years. As I walk through the halls, the butlers and maids avoid me when I enter a hallway, their fear evident after what they saw. I take twists and turns until I appear in front of the dungeon door, the door heavy from the metal.

I go to open it when I suddenly feel my sixth instinct kick in, causing me to freeze.

'Clever.' I think as I channel a string of my shadow mana into the door. The door silently glows as runes forming complex circles appear before my eyes, glowing blue in color. 'The second someone touches this door without the runes being deactivated, they are going to be blasted with lightning magic. I recognize these runes from my runes book. That king was gonna let me get blasted. Well jokes on him...'

I think as I use Shadow Weapon to create a brick like gauntlet. 'Lightning doesn't work on my shadows!' I lean back with the gauntlet as I put all my strength into my arm before lunging forward, my fist flying forward as it hits the door.

The sound of the earth shaking could be heard as the door flew off its hinges, a small spark showing before being sent down the stairs. It hits the stone walls and floor as loud bangs could be heard, echoing throughout the stairwell as it fills with a cloud of dust.

I flex my hand as the gauntlet melts and sinks to the floor, slithering into my shadow like a snake. I walk forward as I take my steps into the stairwell, each step I take closer to the dungeon. The light crystals in the ceiling keep the stairwell bright as I walk down into the depths, their warm glow contrasting the cold look. As I am walking, I find the door I punched lodged halfway into the wall, the full metal 3 inch door bent in half.

'That explains why the formation couldn't activate.' I think as I glance at the door before continuing my way down. As I reach the bottom, I see rows of cells against the wall, different types of races locked inside their respective cells. The ones closer to the doorway are standing as they look at me, the sound probably bringing hope to their release.

They walk up to the cell walls, some of them looking slightly malnourished as they beg for me to release them, some even saying they will pledge their allegiance to me.

I glance at the cells before I continue, the various races begging for release as I walk past. I hear their voices and realize they are speaking either common, or they are making beast like noises. 'I guess these people are from our region and they keep other nation's important people elsewhere, or Ventristic is really the common language around the discovered world.

As I am walking, I continue to look around for an entrance to below the cellar, the cries of people echoing throughout the hall. After walking for a while, I find the entrance.

The entrance is about 10 ft tall with the symbol of the kingdom on it, a white Phoenix and black Phoenix entangling in a fierce fight but neither side is winning or losing.

I go to reach out and before touching the door, I stop my hand as I push some of my mana into the door. I see an even more complex formation this time, runes that I have seen in my book show while others are brand new to me. They rotate with a blue glow as the runes float on the door. I stand there as I try to figure out what they mean when I suddenly feel a wave of fatigue wash over me.

'I recognize this feeling, I used to much mana.' I quickly retract what mana I had left and keep it in my body as the formation disappears.

'Well then, guess I should just try to use force again.' I think as I look around.

'But I should take precautions, I don't want any of them escaping if this goes wrong.' I activate Shadow Armor as I form a large shield using Shadow Weapon.

Black shadows crawl across me as the prisoners around me fall silent, watching the shadow crawl across me till only glowing purple eyes remain. From the shadows on my forearm, a shield as tall as my body forms, an inch thick as it sinks into the stone floor. I lift up the shield as a purple gauntlet appears on my wrist, its elegant curves giving its sharp talons a horrifying look.

I lean back as I activate Dragon Morph, turning into a full Dragonborn. My muzzle expands as I clench my fist. I begin to channel my black fire inside me as my black silhouette gains a red aura, the energy increasing my strength and speed even more. I push off with all the strength into my legs as I punch the door at a speed barely see able with the naked eye.


[Take another cliffhanger.] Thanks For Reading!

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