
[Chapter 114] Leave This To Me

The ground quakes as thrumming thuds echo from the cave, I see a head the size of the cave poke out as it looks at us with a fire in it's eyes, some burn marks on her brown carapace. The mountain wall quakes as two massive legs break through the walls, blue crystals growing from them in jagged lines. I swear as I realize I made an error, a very large error! "It-it's a W-World Class m-mana b-beast!" Jack stutters.

Screams ring out from around us while the ground cracks and begins to shift beneath our feet. I immediately turn around as I fold my scythe and store it in my storage ring. Before the 2 can even react, I have grabbed them by the necks of their clothing as I bolt through the forest, they float through the air while being dragged behind me, the ground shivers and shakes as the cracks grow closer to us.

Trees are falling around us as I dodge frightened mana beasts and tree limbs all around us, barely missing them as I dodge in ways that would put acrobats to shame. 'It is harder with these two but I can still do it.'

I finally see the edge of the forest and burst out with tremendous speed, dust trailing behind me. I here shocked screams as I nearly run over dozens of adventurers.

They barely dodge as I slide to a stop and stare at the terrifying sight. The mountain quivers as it cracks and breaks apart, revealing tons of large mana crystals of many colors spiraling upward in rarity as a massive light purple mana crystal glows with magnificence at the peak.

I hear murmurs as I see some people run towards the town in a flurry of fear and terror while some are frozen to the spot. I place down Orange Wave and Jack as a pitch black orb appears in my hand, white lines covering it and throbbing with power.

I look around as I yell, "Anyone B rank and above! Stay and fight till the kingdom can get up the defensive barrier or until more powerful forces can arrive! Mana creatures are bound to panic and charge towards the castle!"

Everyone looks at me as if I'm mad when I suddenly hear a voice behind me, "I like your courage, I have heard rumors about you. We will fight with you." I look over to see a smooth voiced man in green metallic armor, a dark blue crystal throbbing in his chest. Some others walk up behind him and nod.

"Grade As!" I hear someone yell as things begin to look less bleak. I hear a few others chime in, seemingly motivated by by the appearance of a few powerful heroes.

"I will join you!"

"Let's kill it!"

"For glory!"

Grade As can change the mood significantly as they are one man powerhouses, even causing some kingdoms to be cautious of them.

I smile under my mask as more and more people gain the morale to fight, whether for glory, or their family and friends. I look over at Jack before he can say a word, a fierce glare emerging from my eyes, "Listen, I need you to go get Dreag, your the only one who can directly enter the castle right now. And don't say that you will fight while I go, I have a better chance at surviving this than you and we both know that."

He opens his mouth to say something before abruptly closing it and nodding. "Orange Wave, go with him, your brother needs you and this fight is way out of your league." I say as I look over at him, my demonic voice coming out semi-sincere. His eyes tear up as he shakes his head, "I refuse, I-"

"You don't even have mana, you will just be a burden, leave this to me and go!"

He goes to say something when he is suddenly being dragged away by Jack, unable to even resist. His desperate cries to fight disappear as the mountain of crystals suddenly shifts as the Queen uncurls, her size rivaling the mountain she emerged from.

She is over 340 meters tall as she towers over the kingdom, some of the 50 or so adventurers that stayed behind are shaking with fear as they grip their weapons.

I look over at the grade A, "From my knowledge, the last creature of this rank was last seen a thousand years ago. It's a plant type mana beast so it should be weak to fire and darkness magic. Use darkness mages to buff the magic users' attacks while the melee fighters guard them from enraged and frightened mana beasts leaving the forest along with debris."

He doesn't get the chance to respond as I don't spare them a second glance. I suddenly bolt into the forest, leaving their line of sight like a white blur. I clench my fist as the orb explodes into a black mist.

Suddenly, the black mist covers my skin as I jump from the ground while I begin to fall forward. The black mist begins to layer on itself as they form together into a mass. A loud explosion echoes from the forest as a mechanized black limb forms where my hand would of fallen.

"It's showtime."

[Uh oh!] Thanks for reading!

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