
[Chapter 46] A Mocouger?

After Blossom is done with her feast, we go on with our day....to an extent. While me and Winter are eating our breakfast, Blossom is snoozing behind us, I see my mom constantly starring at the massive cat while we eat.

'I guess trust doesn't come easy, but I doubt it would when you witness a cat eat an entire chicken in one bite.' And now that I am finally not focused entirely on my food for once, I start to notice things. Elva no longer looks at me, 'Probably still too embarrassed or something like that, but I'm glad she isn't on her high horse now,' Eleanor mainly plays with her food while trying to move the water in her glass with her affinity. Aeron reads a book while he slowly puts food in his mouth and Estel eats before asking to be excused but is told no and to wait by our dad.

I immediately stand up and walk over to dad before whispering into his ear, "Don't tell them about the king's visit." He looks up at me, his face slightly puzzled, "Why?"

"Because I want to be treated regularly by them, as a sibling, not a Divine Beast." He sits there for a second, contemplating, while I sit back down. After a minute or two he looks back at Estel, "You can go..." he nods and gets up, although slightly confused, and runs upstairs. 'Now I need to figure out what exactly a Mocouger is.' I think as I ask to be excused from the table. I am granted permission but then walk over to Elva and ask her with a straight face, but my eyes filled with curiosity. "I want to talk with you later, will you give me that right big sister?"

Elva looks at me, a slight hint of anger in her eyes, but mainly shame. "I guess...." I nod and walk upstairs, Blossom following, before shutting my door. I look around and realize I forgot to pack a few things, I grab my three books and store two of them, along with my money, in my orange ring. I now peer inside to see I have a little bit of space left.

The book I left out was my magic creatures book. I open it and flip through the pages till I see a picture of a six legged black cat with two tentacles coming out of it's head. 'That's not it.' I continue to flip through to find a giant 6 legged lizard type creature. 'Still not it.' I flip through one more time and finally find a six legged cat-lizard hybrid with scaled feet. I look over the page and find a description for the creature.

"Mocougers are known for their innate ability to control two elements, fire and ice. Their able to breath fire by shooting gas out of a flap in the roof of their mouth and their tongue ignites it. Their teeth and claws however have the ability to encase themselves in ice and cause searing cold cuts and bites to their opponents. However they have one hundred percent control of their affinities." Ping!


Familiar: Cherry Mocouger

Name: Blossom


Ability: Hair Growth: Can change hair length by will.

[New] Ability: Fire Affinity: Can control the fire affinity.

[New] Ability: Ice Affinity: Can control the ice affinity.


I stare at the message and then at Blossom and see her laying there, licking her paw, her tongue now completely black. I immediately look back to the book and skim some info and eventually find the info I was looking for. "Mocougers are able to unhinge their jaw and eat their entire food in one bite, although they will only do this in their den because this action leaves them vulnerable. Mocougers will usually grow to the size of a fully grown horse."

I quickly look back at her, she is now licking one of her hind paws. 'Your supposed to grow to the size of a horse? I might as well ride you to places at that rate.' I then glance at the book once more and my eyes nearly bulge from my skull, "They usually will take from four days to two weeks to fully grow but there have been cases of their growth being much faster than others." I stare at the book and begin reading even further. "After many tests, it is discovered that Mocougers' take mana into their body and use it to increase the speed of their body's growth, causing them to be extremely hungry and need to be fed large proportions during meals."

'Your insane!' All of a sudden, I feel a squeeze on my head. "Oh that's right! We should also see what your species is about while we're at it Winter." I rub his squishy head and he jiggles, tickling my head.

I turn through the books till I get to the creatures that are semisolid, I see creatures made of water, acid, you name it, I see it. Heck there is even one made of solidified air. But I eventually make it to the page about void slimes and my face is flooded with information.

Thanks for reading!

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