
[Chapter 35] Dud...

'3 days ago, I put this egg in the incubator and I can't believe what happened...'

'Absolutely frickin nothing!'

'This egg is a freakin dud! No wonder he sold it to me!'

I throw my arms up while I wonder around my room seemingly giving up. "Meow." Goes Winter, cuddling my leg, trying to cheer me up. I pick up his gelatinous form and start to rub his head, him purring in response.

"Thanks Winter, I needed that. I am not giving up, it just needs more time is all." I say while I sit down on the bed, he slips threw my arms and sits back on my head, gripping himself on like always.

I take a deep breath and smell the delicious food downstairs, tempting my nostrils...and my hunger.

I walk downstairs to see the food on the table, the food's smells combining well with one another, making a concoction of delicious smells.

I look out at the table to see food that can only exist in a fantasy world. There is a tender magic boar roast,and steamed potatoes and carrot soup.

I walk over and sit down, starting to dig in. I first start with the roast, it tastes juicy and melts in my mouth, the slight saltiness and spices balancing the boar's strong taste. Then is the potato carrot soup. The potatoes and the carrots taste like they were cooked to perfection.

'Definitely like the first time I had it.' I think to myself while chewing away. 'Although should Dragonborn eat vegetables?' I contemplate as I munch away. After dinner I run up and enter my room, shutting the door gently, as to not make a ruckus. 'I'm impatient, not rude....I hope.' Meanwhile, my parents have a conversation downstairs.

"Kurayami has been bolting to his room directly after eating every night. What is up with him?" Says mom as she is kinda throwing the question out there.

"He is supposedly hatching an egg, although he has assured me it poses no threat of what's inside, he hasn't said what." Responds dad, quick to the question.

"An egg? Does he have any idea what he is doing?"

"I think he is capable of raising an egg." Dad says, his voice reeking confidence.

"But he is ten...." Mom says as she trails off.

"Yeah, a ten year old who can lodge someone in a wall. I don't think we need to worry about him."


Meanwhile, in my room, I am laying on my bed, reading the magic creatures book. 'I need to know as much as possible before this egg hatches to know what...it.....is....' I end up falling asleep in my bed.

"Morning..." I say while yawning, going to pet Winter when realizing, '...this isn't right, fur?' I stealthily glance down, trying not to move, just to see a white furry ball curled up where Winter usually is, and Winter sleeping on my head. I then hurriedly glance at the incubator, just to see it's door hanging open, the egg broken.

I start panicking in my head, 'What the hell do I do?! This unknown creature just hatched and immediately crawled into bed with me, not your typical Monday morning. Especially when the creature is almost as big as your leg after hatching!!' I suddenly realize as I dozed off, I sense something staring at me.

I look up to see Winter sleeping, and I slowly look over to see the white ball of fur staring at me with a catlike head.

"Uh oh." I accidentally say out loud. It hears me and gets up and as it does, I realize, it has six legs. The white fur recedes into the creatures skin till it has pink stripes showing on its one inch long fur which was seemingly a foot earlier. It has pink scaled feet that look like a lizards feet but as it stretches, it's claws flex out, showing it's very menacing cat like claws. It looks at me and starts to crawl up my body till it is almost directly in my face, and then....it licks me with a tongue as rough as sandpaper.

I sit there dazed as it then lays on me, starting to lick my face clean.

'So this is it, my new pet. It is a very unique creature to say the least. And it seems to have the personality of a cat.' As I think that, it chirps at me. And stares at me, it's pink eyes showing an excited look.

'Uh oh.' I think as it wraps it's four front arms around me and starts playfully bouncing on my chest. I start laughing as it does and rub it's head, and funnily enough, it starts purring.

Winter finally wakes up to see the playful kitten on my chest, he starts hissing until he sees me petting it. He then calms down and starts to cautiously approach the creature, not knowing what to think of it.

I see Winter and pet him with my other free hand, in which he starts purring as well, but still keeps an eye on the intruder. "...., what should I name you?" In which it chirps back at me.

"First off, are you a guy?" In which it growls at me.

"So your a girl?"

She licks my face and chirps a high pitched chirp, showing I was right.

'This should be impossible, it was born last night yet it is already 1'6ft tall and almost 3ft long, and it can understand the common language to an extent. Just what is the knowledge potential of this creature?'

I quickly snap back to reality, "How about Blossom? Because your pink colorations are those of a cherry blossom's."

She chirps a high chirp and bounces, showing she likes her new name. "Alright, Blossom, Winter, let's go grab something to eat, Mom should be up cooking breakfast." Winter jumps onto my head and clamps on while Blossom jumps down seemingly following beside me.

'Judging by her rate of growth, she is gonna grow to be massive.'

I suddenly feel a burning sensation on my hand and look to see it's a black cherry blossom.

I suddenly see a small message in the corner of my vision. I open it and see something that only solidified my thoughts.

I looked up my novel on the internet today and saw it in a russian website, which made me laugh. Thanks for reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts