
Past And Mysteries Of The Xiaofan World

The description that Kong Hutao had just given was far too similar to that of the oceanic world that Lin Mu knew of. He had already seen the remnant of the oceanic world and in the void and that combined with the other proofs he had seen, he was now sure that the two worlds definitely had something to do with each other.

"Hmm… that seems to be true. Perhaps there may have been a passage between the two worlds once upon a time. It could have been a natural one too. And considering how we have no information before the ten thousand years ago, it is safe to assume that there were more people that traveled to the oceanic world." Xukong replied.

"Seems like that senior. Perhaps I can get to know more about the history before the unification of the continents." Lin Mu said and looked at Kong Hutao.

"And what did these records tell more about the Great Reef turtles?" Lin Mu questioned.
