
Chapter One Hundred And Forty-nine : Beat The Fear Of God Into Him

Ben was startled when he awoke and saw the IV reattached to his hand, what happened? Did he pass out since he has no recollection of it? 

He looked around the room, no one was around - not even Jenny - and Trevor was still fast asleep.

Irritated, Ben yanked the IV off his hand the second time and climbed out of the bed. Casting one last look at Trevor, he walked out of the room cautiously. 

Jenny said her daughter was here but sadly he didn't get the chance to 

ask about her room number before he passed out. 

So he intended asking the receptionist, but it appears luck was on his side because he spotted Jenny in the hallway talking to a nurse. 

According to what he heard, Jenny had to leave because of an emergency and told the nurse to please take care of her kids.

But it seems Jenny mistook the nurse for the one in charge of Trevor cause she kindly told her she was the wrong person. 
