
Chapter 764: The Knock

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised the Gate chose to knock that very same night. I'd barely settled Gabriel into his crib when I felt the resounding hammer of the knock echo through him and into me.

At first, I had no idea what it was. Freaked me the hell out, to be honest. But when Galleytrot's big head came up, cocked to one side, ears perked, I made the connection.

Feared Gabriel would cry again, the pressure was so immense. But my son instead came wide awake, eyes glistening, a burbling laugh erupting from him.

"Momma," he said.

Okay then.

"Syd," Galleytrot said. "I've never heard of one so young being Gatekeeper before."

Way to add to my worries, big dog. "Well," I said through gritted teeth as Sassafras purred and rubbed his head against my son, "we're just going to have to wing it and hope it works out."
