
Chapter 420: Maji Chamber

We were a quiet bunch heading back to the house. Liam was lost in thought and his own inner geeky excitement, grinning at me from time to time, a kid on his way to a toy store. Galleytrot padded beside him, tongue lolling out, Sassafras perched on his wide back. I almost told him to get down, but just rolled my eyes.

This town was weird on its own. A silver Persian riding a giant black dog wasn't going to be news.

And Charlotte? Well, she was Charlotte. Chatty Cathy, that one.

Naturally, when we piled into the van waiting in my driveway, I was stuck driving. Not that I minded. I liked to drive. But there were too many of us to fit in a normal-sized car, so I was forced to take the family minivan.

Yup, really cool, Syd.
