
Chapter 113: Boyfriend

By the time Quaid returned, I'd lost the edge of my anger and the need to tear things apart and was further along the road to bawling my eyes out.

He took it all in stride, his chest the perfect place for me to pour it out.

When I was done, he looked down into my face, fingers swiping at my tears. "You cry a lot," he said.

Jerk. I whacked his chest with my fist, feeling the solid muscle beneath my hand. "Thanks a whole lot," I said, pulling away even as he chuckled and hugged me again.

"Just practicing," he said. "For later. You know. When we're an old married couple."

That thought didn't make me cringe anymore.

Still. He was a jerk. "How did this turn into such a mess?" I wished I could fix it. That he could. But I knew I probably just ended my friendship with Alison permanently because of my temper.

"What do you have against Benjamin, anyway?" Quaid sat at the kitchen table. I joined him, slumping over with my head in my hands.
