
Chapter 33

What was he going to do with her?

Colin knew what he'd like to do with Augusta MacLeish, but then as the lady's guardian, he'd have to call himself out. Wouldn't that be awkward?

He checked on Jupiter, delighted to find him in top condition despite yesterday's accident. After he filled the water and oats buckets, he found a length of rope coiled and hung on a peg. It would do nicely for the purpose, so whistling a rather naughty sea chantey, he made his way around the castle into the forecourt.

In front of the castle, a pair of small gatehouses flanked the drawbridge. In a proper medieval castle, the wall would have run all the way around the island, making the whole thing into a fortress, but here the gatehouses were just large enough to store a few tools and the walls of the gate tapered off to the ground on either side.
