
Chapter 76: Farewells

I didn't think it would be so hard to stand at the back of the train, in the quaint little caboose I'd never set foot on until just now, waving at Ever and the Teks as we rolled through the second gate and out of their territory.

The worst of it was watching Duet hug everyone over and over as though she'd forgotten who she embraced. I hold her hand as the gate swings shut on us, sealing them away, the train picking up speed as we move on.

"I'm sad." Duet whispers it as though it's a great secret.

"Me too," I say. "But I have you now. That makes it easier."

She smiles at me suddenly, glowing green eye revolving slowly as she snorts her happiness.

"Poppy's inside," she says. "Let's see Poppy." And as she turns her back on the Teks, I realize just how damaged she is.

She's forgotten them already. Which is probably a very good thing.
