
Chapter 32


Dr. Ocean Panther crossed her legs, knee length skirt brushing gently over her skin. She refrained from chewing the end of her pen in frustration as her current-and most aggravating-patient stood in dark silence in front of the large, plate glass window of her high rise office. Not for the first time, Cici silently asked herself why she'd agreed to take on this detective as a patient.

But, when Gerri Meyers spoke up, she remembered.

"You asked a question? Sorry, I missed it." The statuesque redhead turned with a playful smile on her face. Classic distraction technique. It seemed Gerri knew therapy's tricks about as well as Cici. She did her best not to sigh, found herself smiling in return. As much as she would have liked a more pliable patient in the tall detective, Cici found she liked her more and more with every irritating and progress free visit.
