
Chapter 29


Kinsey knocked on the apartment door, holding up a bottle of red wine when Gerri pulled it open.

"For that," the detective said in a weary voice, "you can have my first born."

Ray shuffled in after her, a bag of groceries in her hands. Gerri didn't say anything as the brunette helped herself to her kitchen and started to cook. Kinsey poured, handing off full glasses to each of the girls before sampling the vintage herself.

Cheap and potent. Perfect.

Silence held them as Ray puttered, the smell of garlic and onions mixed with something spicy soon filling the small space. Gerri's apartment wasn't her ideal, but she fell in love with the view and the small balcony the moment she set foot inside. She could deal with the water stain on the ceiling in the bathroom and the questionable wiring as long as she could sit outside at night and watch the city go on without her.
