
Chapter 27

Sophie had expected to discover another subway station with battered and impersonal-looking halls, or perhaps another crowded corridor. Nothing, however, had prepared her for what she found on the other side of the door.

She was in a very large room, composed of a central nave and a lower aisle separated by an arcade on each side.

The ceilings were very high, with pointed arches of grey stone. The walls were mostly nothing but pillars where large stained-glass windows were framed. Most of them were broken and ruined, but here and there Sophie could still recognize the drawings of human figures.

At one end of the great hall there was a large circular window with a shape that reminded Sophie of a daisy.

“We are in a cathedral,” whispered Emma, who seemed just as impressed. “I have never imagined that they could be so.... majestic,” she added quietly to herself.

”Why would anyone build a cathedral down here?” Sophie asked, puzzled.
