
Chapter 110: Platinum Wands

A platinum wand includes some platinum, typically as settings for compatible mystic crystals and more rarely in the form of one or more rings or studs around the handle.


Platinum is a very rare and precious metal, long used in the making of jewelry. It is very dense. It is somewhat less malleable yet more ductile that gold. Its color is gray-white, and it will not tarnish.

Mystical Properties and Uses

Platinum has the following mystical properties:

Platinum Elementals, Phase, and Genders

The alchemical symbol for platinum is the combination of the alchemical symbols for the Moon (silver) and the Sun (gold).

Alchemical Symbol for Platinum


Platinum has the elemental Quintessence, probably due to its ethereal color. Platinum wands therefore tend to be best at focusing quintessential spells from the following spell set:
